Broj 1-2

Metalurgija 64 (2025) 1-2, str. 1-244

Izvorni znanstveni radovi
C. X. Li, X. Meng, Y. Zhang, H. J. Shen, Z. K. Feng, Z. H. Ji – Study on the participation of blowing CO2 in steelmaking reaction of Fe-C binary alloy (str. 3-6)
B. Zhang, Q. Liu, Z. Li, Y. H. Zhong, Y. Q. Cao, L. D. Jiang, Q. H. Xiao – Study on the influence of nozzle brick structure on the tail coil of molded steel ingot (str. 7-9)
G. Shvachych, B. Moroz, P. Shcherbyna, D. Moroz, N. Vozna – Metal heat treatment system based on the use of a cluster of networked industrial sensors (str. 10-12)
C. F. Zhang, J. J. Wang, M. L. Xu, Q. Liu – Effect of normalizing temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile iron for piano iron plate (str. 13-16)
A. B. P. Sutowijoyo, E. D. W. S. Putri, N. Muhayat, A. R. Prabowo, Y. P. D. S. Depari, Triyono – Microstructure and hardness of extrusion welding on hollow panel AA6061 aluminum alloy (str. 17-19)
N. Muhayat, S. Yasinta, A. R. Prabowo, Y. C. N. Saputro, Triyono – Effect of the post weld heat treatment on the microstructure of the underwater wet welding SS400 steel (str. 20-22)
J. H. Zhou, G. F. Cui, D. X. Gao – Command filter adaptive output feedback control based on steel structure robotic arm with prescribed performance (str. 23-26)
B. H. Wang, Z. J. Wei, Y. Q. Yan, X. C. Meng, J. J. Wang – Effect of tempering temperature on microstructure and properties of high nitrogen stainless steel skates (str. 27-30)
C. F. Zhang, J. J. Wang – Effect of quenching temperature on microstructure and properties of 0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al stainless steel for piano stringer (str. 31-34)
Y. Q. Gui – Effect of quenching temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of 50CrVA spring steel for mountain bike shock absorber (str. 35-37)
B. H. Wang, J. Y. Zhang, X. Zhao, G. Q. Zhang, J. J. Wang – Effect of annealing temperature on microstructure and properties of Ti 3Al-5Fe-1Cr titanium alloy golf club (str. 38-40)
Q. H. Wang, X. G. Wang, Y. K. Wen, B. X. Liu – Establishment of constitutive equation of medical AZ81 magnesium alloy (str. 41-44)
M. Walkowicz, E. Rudnik, P. Osuch, D. Pęczar – Superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic copper coatings electrodeposited on copper substrate (str. 45-48)
L. Q. Zhao, L. C. Sun – Research on constitutive model of rheological behavior of 7050 aluminum alloy based on metal material of badminton racket frame (str. 49-52)
W. T. Shen, Y. F. Zhao, Z. C. Xu, C. Y. Han, B. Z. Wang, X. C. Qian – Numerical analysis of the elevator boosting performance of flat-tube-and-fin heat exchanger (str. 53-56)
C. Q. Hu, K. Zhao, X. Q. Hu, J. Ji, Y. Li, W. Jiang, P. Deng – Research on conical plug valve piezoelectric pump applied to metallurgical equipment colling (str. 57-60)
C. Li, X. G. Li – Fourier series method for function synthesis of space RCCC mechanism (str. 61-64)
L. L. Meng, W. Dai – Research on motor overvoltage issues in metallurgical environments using three-level inverters (str. 65-68)
Z. X. Li, Q. Zhang, B. W. Huang, Y. X. Miao – Research on vision system of intelligent sorting robot based on deep learning (str. 69-71)
Z. X. Li, Z. P. Liu, J. T. Yu – Prediction of carbon black/carbon nanotube reinforced polydimethylsiloxane properties based on BP neural network (str. 72-74)
Z. X. Li, J. B. Wang – Research on teaching robot based on servo motor dynamic balance (str. 75-77)
L. L. Meng, Z. Y. Zhang, S. J. Liu, H. Z. Zhao, Y. L. Zhang – Rotational speed observation of a metallurgical lifting motor based on the delta operator (str. 78-80)
D. H. Li, Y. Q. Cai, Q. Q. Yin, H. L. Wang – Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) of electro-hydraulic servo system (str. 81-83)
J. X. Zhu, X. Liu, Z. C. Xu, C. Y. Han, C. A. Dai, X. C. Qian – Signal-to-noise analysis of the elevator boosting performance of flat-tube-and-fin heat exchanger (str. 84-86)
Prethodna priopćenja
H. C. Ji, R. Zhang, N. Z. Kang, J. H. Huang – Simulation analysis of wheel bearing forging process based on DEFORM (str. 87-90)
M. Łągiewka – Mechanical properties of die-cast composites reinforced with natural and synthetic graphite (str. 91-93)
Y. Liang, J. Wu – Surface defect detection algorithm of high temperature casting slab based on improved YOLOv5s (str. 94-96)
C. Kolmasiak – Selected aspects of decarbonization of production systems in the metallurgical industry (str. 97-100)
R. B. Liu, A. Y. Jiao, S. Chen, E. Y. Lu – Failure analysis of 48MnV engine crankshaft (str. 101-103)
Zh. Romazanov, A. Aldabayeva, O. Silayeva, G. Turgumbayeva, L. Chepelyan – The feasibility study for the establishment of a wind power plant (str. 104-106)
Pregledni radovi
M. H. Pang, B. Z. Wang – Effects of coolants on the properties of IGBT liquid cooled plates under different materials – a review (str. 107-110)
N. G. Zulu, M. J. Mvita, B. Thethwayo, M. Madiba – Exploring the application of acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans for the beneficiation of platinum group metals-bearing base metal sulphides (str. 113-115)
I. Mamuzić – Acknowledgement to reviewers (str. 111-112)
F. Vodopivec, I. Mamuzić – Život i postignuća akad. Ilije Mamuzića (str. 118-232)
I. Mamuzić – Tri najvažnije tiskane knjige – monografije Hrvatskog metalurškog društva (str. 243-243)
I. Mamuzić – Treće priznanje Hrvatskom metalurškom društvu (HMD) za uspješno poslovanje (2020., 2021., 2022. god.) (str. 244-244)
Zbornik sažetaka 18. simpozija “Materijali i metalurgija”
I. Mamuzić (ed.) – Book of Abstracts of the 18th Symposium “Materials and Metallurgy” (str. 233-242)