Instructions for reviewers

Journal Metalurgija classifies papers into following groups:

  • Original scientific papers, presenting results of original research works, which have not been previously published, in such a way that they can be repeated or subjected to unambigouous examination;
  • Preliminary notes, giving the results of scientific research which demand prompt publication without assuring the possibility of examination, (or announcing a new scientific insight, which has not been established or dealt with to such an extent that it might be examined or applied directly, or some technical matter is being dealt with in such a way that it may lead to particularly important general insights and encourage further investigations);
  • Reviewed papers, giving the original, critical, and concise survey of a particular area or one of its segments, (or of a situation in a subject matter, from narrow technical to general scientific) where the author himself acts so as to present his personal original contribution regarding previously published works, identified in the review;
  • Professional papers (articles), which provide useful information on a particular technical branch, which do not necessarily originate from the author’s own research.
  • Review in which a description of a scientific and professional event (is given holding of Symposium, book presentation etc.)

Authors of a paper are also required to propose the classification of their paper and explain it, stating their original contribution, justifying and defending at the same time the proposed classification of the paper.

Reviewers shall either accept or change such a proposal, but it will thus draw their attention to the author’s most important arguments and points of view.