Internet edition: ISSN 1334-2576
CD edition: ISSN 1334-2584
Print edition:ISSN 0543-5846
Tel./Fax:+ 385 1 619 86 89 (servis)
Cell: + 385 98 317 173
The journal Metalurgija is primary scientific periodical that publishes scientific papers (original papers, preliminary notes, reviewed papers) as well as professional papers from the area of basic, applicable and developing researching in metallurgy and boundary metallurgy areas (physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering). These papers relate to processing ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, treating investigating as well as testing of raw materials, semi products and products, especially in the area of improving new materials and possibilities of their implementation. The journal is the only national periodical of this kind in the Republic of Croatia and covers the scientific field of metallurgy, especially:
- physical metallurgy and materials;
- process metailurgy, (ferrous and non-ferrous);
- mechanical metallurgy (processing, power , etc.);
- related (adjoing) branches: mechanlcal engineering, chemistry, physics etc.
Journal Metalurgija publishes the following types of papers:
- Original scientific papers, presenting results of original research works, which have not been previously published, in such a way that they can be repeated or subjected to unambiguous examination;
- Preliminary notes, giving the results of scientific research which demand prompt publication without assuring the possibility of examination, (or announcing a new scientific insight, which has not been established or dealt with to such an extent that it might be examined or applied directly, or some technical matter is being dealt with in such a way that it may lead to particularly important general insights and encourage further investigations);
- Reviewed papers, giving the original, critical, and concise survey of a particular area or one of its segments, (or of a situation in a subject matter, from narrow technical to general scientific) where the author himself acts so as to present his personal original contribution regarding previously published works, identified in the review;
- Professional papers (articles), which provide useful information on a particular technical branch, which do not necessarily originate from the author’s own research.
- Review in which a description of a scientific and professional event (is given holding of Symposium, book presentation etc.)
Journal Metalurgija conducts a blind peer review process (2-3 scientific reviews + 1-2 metrological reviews). Articles in journal Metalurgija are published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence and authors retain their copyright. All content published in journal Metalurgija is available in open access.
List of databases which index journal Metalurgija
The following bibliometric indicators about journals are calculated for the journal Metalurgija:
- Scimago Journal Rank indicator (SJR): 0.276 (2023)
- Engineering: Mechanics of Materials – Q3 (2023)
- Materials Science: Materials Chemistry – Q3 (2023)
- Materials Science: Metals and Alloys – Q2 (2023)
- Physics and Astronomy: Condensed Matter Physics – Q3 (2023)
- Journal Impart Factor (IF): 0.6 (2023)
- Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering – Q4 (2023)
- Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.16 (2023)
- Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering – Q4 (2023)
- Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.505 (2023)
- CiteScore: 1.2 (2023)
Journal Metalurgija fully or selectively indexed in the following databases:
- Scopus
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) – part of Web of Science Core Collection
- Academic Search Complete
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Ei Compendex
- Materials Research Database
- Technology Research Database
- Chemical Abstracts
- Cabell’s Directories of publishing opportunities in mathematic and sciences
- Referativny Zhurnal
- Chemical Engineering and biotechnology abstracts
- Weldasearch
- Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
- Aerospace Database
- Aluminium Industry Abstracts
- ANTE: Abstracts in New Technology & Engineering
- Ceramic Abstracts
- Civil Engineering Abstracts
- Computer and Information Systems Abstracts (Module)
- Copper Technical Reference Library
- Corrosion Abstracts
- Earthquake Engineering Abstracts
- Electronics & Communications Abstracts
- Engineered Materials
- Engineering Research Database
- Materials Business File
- Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts
- Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts
More information about the history of journal Metallurgy are available in the text published on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the publishing of journal Metalurgija, as well as in paper published on the occasion of 30th anniversary of D.Sc. D.h.c. Prof h.c. Ilija Mamuzić as Editor-in-Chief of journal Metalurgija.
Journal Metalurgija has its own Rule Book.
Publishing of journal Metalurgija is financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports