Ways Out of the Crisis

In the field of treatment of the way out from the crisis of fundamental physics, elaboration is proposed of the phenomena from the following groups with possible sub-themes. Congress participants can choose topics that are proposed for various phenomena. Participants can add topics according to their own choice.The themes on the crisis in physics that are already exposed open entire range of topics for orientation. Here are proposed some provocative topics in a short form.

Is the Universe an illusion? Are we an illusion? Do we know what is the reality? Do we know anything with certainty? Is an objective truth possible? Is it possible to know the Essence of the Universe?

Can the Universe Non-exist? What can exist if there is no the Universe? How the Existence can Disappear and Appear?

What Emergence is possible: of Nothing, of the Least density, of Singularity, of the Unboundedness, of the Greatest density, or… ?

What is the Universe: Are the galaxies it, the real universe, or something greater… ?

Is there also a fundamental Universe besides the real universe, then the universe of inconcreteness and concreteness?

What is the Emptiness: Is it possible to define Nothingness? Is the Emptiness dimensioned? Does Emptiness affect the Phenomena of the Universe?

What dimensions the Universe? Are the imaginary space and time something like that? Is there a physical extension and duration, which performs all the sizing?

Are the Unboundedness-Boundedness the limiters of the Universe?

Do the propagation-duration, manifestability-concretability, speed-density, linearity-rotation have limits?

Is the Unboundedness a dimension of the Universe? Can the Unboundedness be at once Infinite in the Extension and Endless in Duration or, conversely, can the Unboundedness be Fnite in Duration and Limited in Extension? Do we have evidence of the above?

What are the physical dimensions of the Universe? Do the non-physical dimensions of physics have a sense for the cosmic physical dimensioning? Do we even know what the physical phenomenon means for the Universe?

All that we know the universe is limited! Is the mechanism of limitation in the Universe known?

Could the Unboundedness and Boundednes generate the Potential?

Could the Potential of Unboundedness be the stuff of the Universe?

Could the counter-directional stresses of the Potential be a driver of all the processes of concretion and deconcretion in the Universe?

Could the polarization of Potential be a system of concretization? Is everything in the Universe polarized?

Does the Universe have an Eternal Drive or is the Big Bang sufficient as the Drive, without further adding fuel?

Are all the fundamental Laws based on the reciprocal conversions of counter-directional Stresses of Potential?

Do the Extension and Duration make the physical structure or are they imaginary creations of the human mind?

Could the physical Extension and Duration control the scaling of Phenomena in the Universe?

Could the reciprocal conversions of Potential be the Universal JUSTICE and the support of the Universe?

Could the measuring system of the Universe be the result of reciprocal conversions of numerous pairs of Potential polarization?

What could Define and Maintain concretization of various types of phenomena in the Universe?

Which primordial physical characteristics are necessary so that something can concretize?

What are the primordial characteristics that allow dynamical processes?

Could the Present be the centerline of all Potential Stresses of the Unboundedness and Boundedness in the Universe?

Is there a probability of polarizing the Universe to two Potential fields, the f-universe of waves and the r-universe of particles?

Could the f-waves and the f-particles be the two fundamental concretized objects that constantly appear and disappear in the Universe in unlimited quantities?

Could the linearity and rotation be a carrier of different organizational systems in the Universe?

Could the Velocity and Density interactions be the fundamental interactions in the Universe?

Could the pulsating and rotational forces be the fundamental forces of the Universe?

Is it really a complete structure of the Universe based on the potential polarization of the Unboundedness Potential?

Could the complete structure of the Universe be established on the permanent refluxions of the Potential on the relation between the f-waves and f-particles?

Could the Organization of the Universe be supported on the foundations that are comprehensible to the people?

Is it possible to decipher the origin of life and intellect in the Universe?

We are expecting your suggestions to these and other questions about the Universe. Please, submit analysis, theories and works on a single topic at most up to two cards or 2800 characters, in order to save space and because of faster communication.


The Evolution of the Universe and the formation of Black Holes

Ivan Enc, Petrinja (ivan.enc@sk.t-com.hr)

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