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Paper Submission

Topics of interest

  • Innovations in Education (Inovations) – Fostering innovation in teaching through the exchange of ideas, experiences, and resources. Innovation may involve the application of new technologies, approaches, and/or curricula.
  • The Best Teaching Practices (Teaching) – Researching and sharing best practices in teaching. Participants may present their research, case studies, or practices that have shown exceptional results in working with students
  • Teaching Skills (Skills) – Retro skills, forgotten skills, methods, tools, and strategies to enhance teaching skills, leading to greater efficiency in the education process.
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches (Exchange) – Encouraging the exchange of interdisciplinary approaches to teaching to enrich the educational experience.
  • Collaboration Networks – Promoting the building of professional relationships, creating a support network, and exchanging resources among participants. This includes fostering international collaboration and the exchange of ideas to enrich the global perspective in the field of teaching.
  • Active Learning – Focus on sharing strategies that have been applied to encourage students to actively participate and achieve better results.

By submitting your work, you can contribute to the program of our first ITSE conference through the following formats:

  • Sincere (Summaries/Short Talks, Innovative, New Discoveries, Experimental, Research): Presentations of innovative practices, methods, ideas, and research outlines in 8 minutes, encouraging participants to ask questions and engage in discussion. The application should include an abstract of the work and 4 slides (presentation slides) in PowerPoint. The first is the title slide. The second and third brief information about the work, and the fourth contains one image/photograph that covers the main idea.
  • Creative (Creative Education Workshops, Activities, Technology, and Skills): Knowledge transfer to participants who actively and practically participate in workshops (duration 45 minutes). The application should include a brief description of the workshop, the number of participants, and essential requirements.
  • Visual (Visual Poster Exhibition): Creation of visually appealing posters providing details about experiments (method, project), results, and conclusions. Additional information can be presented through QR codes.
  • Active (Actively Informal Relaxation): Informal environment for discussing a common and interesting topic among a specific number of participants. An opportunity for a conversation where everyone can equally participate and contribute their thoughts, ideas, experiences, and suggestions. The application should include a proposal for a relevant topic and ways to encourage participants.

Link for Submission