Open solving championships of Croatia and Israel in Zagreb

UPDATE: Overall results of the Israeli open solving championship can be seen here.

Results and few photos can be seen at the blog of Society for chess composition and puzzles Zagreb.

Last weekend (July 10th and 11th) we had two solving tournaments in Zagreb: Open solving championship of Croatia for 2017. and local tournament of Israeli open solving championship. Namely, Israeli problemists have, for second year in a row, enabled solvers from other countries to participate in their championship (local tournaments were held in many countries).

We thank the Israeli problemists for enabling us to hold a local tournament in Croatia too, despite registering after deadline.

Both tournaments had international character – many thanks to Klemen Šivic from Slovenia and Aain Villeneuve from France for coming to Zagreb and making this a better and more enjoyable chess solving weekend!

Also, many thanks to local controller Dejan Glišić for his efforts around organization of the tournaments.