C2 Workshop and Performance (Thessaloniki, Greece): Faces on stage, faces on camera (13-17 Jan 2016)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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 International workshop by Aratos (13.1.2016 – 17.1.2016): Faces on stage, faces on camera


The second workshop and performance of the partnerhsip is an action theatre expression “Faces on stage, faces on camera” held at Theater Aratos (Moskov 12, Thessaloniki). The face shows the expression of our feelings and the participants will be prepared to express their thoughts and their feeling using theatrical methods by practitioners like Grotowski, Boal, Stanislawsky and Gestalt psychology. The participants will work on improvisation expressing their feelings and thus try to bridge their differences.

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The main goals of the workshop and the final performance are:

  • Help participants to be more self-confident in daily life,
  • raising employability of people with disability by developing the
  • “soft-skills” (EU Key Competences) of participants and
  • empowering them for the labour market,
  • bridge differences and say NO to discrimination against to disabled people.

The performance of 17th January 2016 will involve people with disabilities and people who deal with the problems of disabled people from Greece, Latvia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium and Croatia, and which is thematically concerned with increasing the employability of persons with disabilities and their skills. The workshop takes place in the “Educathe +” partnership that is funded as part of the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership.

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The workshop will be held by the partner of the Educathe+ Theatro Aratos which is a theatre group specializes in theatrical improvisation emphasizing social issues, attitudes, reactions in our daily life, human relations. Aratos is also an open theatrical community for teaching to PWD and non-visible disabled people who have several chronic disorders.

The performance of 17th January 2016 will present the theatre in a more social form helping people express their feelings. The performance will be a final result of Gestalt method (a team and a problem), Boal method (Theatre of the Oppressed, Invisible theater), Grotowski (Objective drama) and Stanislavski system (concept of emotional memory to which an actor focuses internally to portray a character’s emotions on stage).

The workshop will be held by a Director-actor-playwright and journalist Vasilis Tsikaras and Eleni Gianniou, dance pedagogist and gymnast qualified in special treatment. Finally, the workshop will be recorded and later published on the Platform – in order to disseminate the results and invite other individuals and organizations to join us in a future network and/or use our work.

The final performance will be held on 17 January 2016.

More about the performance can be found here -> Faces on stage, Faces on camera




Below you can find all the necessary information for planing your travel, locating the venue of the workshop, participating in the workshop and enjoying the performance as an audience member.

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