Dnevni arhivi: 30. kolovoza 2019.

Izvrstan rad doc. dr. sc. Matije Varga objavljen je u TEM JOURNAL (časopisu).

Varga, Matija. Applying Complex-Function Based Web Technologies Intended for Animations in CSS3 Descriptive Language. © 2019 Matija Varga, published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Citation Information: TEM Journal. Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 806-811, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM83-16, August 2019. Baze: TEM Journal is covered or selected for coverage in the following:  Web of Science | Clarivate Analytics – Master Journal List (Emerging Sources Citation Index) – link, SCOPUS – link, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – link , TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology – link, Research Bib – link, Google Scholar – link, EBSCO bibliographic databases – link, MIAR – Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals link,  CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library link, ERIH PLUS link etc. Znanstveni rad.

URL: http://www.temjournal.com/content/83/TEMJournalAugust2019_806_811.pdf (30.8.2019.).